
I wasn’t really sure what to expect when I made an appointment to meet with Jennifer.   I have struggled with fibromyalgia on and off over the years, and I also had carpel tunnel surgery and cubital tunnel surgery almost a year ago to the time I made an appointment, which I was dealing with nerve damage to my hand.  I was taking Tylenol, Gabapetin, and muscle relaxers. I felt bloated, and I couldn’t lose weight. I was constitpated and uncomfortable. 

My first impression upon entering Jennifer’s office (or should I say “space” because it certainly isn’t an office) was one of calmness.  It felt welcoming.  I was immediately at ease.  Then I did the F-Scan and she talked to me about what it meant. Helen, her partner, did the Firefly therapy and she also spoke to me about what was going on inside my body. I was so relieved!!!  

I never thought that I had parasites in my system that could have been causing all the things that were going on with me.    LIVER FLUKES??!! Really?  Chicken could be bothering me? Tomatoes?  Me?  I love tomatoes.  Pasta?  I’m Italian, how could I have to stop eating these things? But it made sense.   She gave me some things to do when I got home and even though it was near the holidays, I got right into my detox.  

The first thing I noticed was that after about 4 days, I went to the bathroom normally.  That was huge!! It had been a long time since that happened.  Then I noticed I had more energy.   I wasn’t feeling bloated all the time.  I started to lose the bloated hard belly.  Then I stopped taking Tylenol and just took Aleve.  I still took the Gabapetin.  However, the NEED to take anything seemed to lessen.  I would feel pain and realize it had been hours since I should have had to take a pain pill.  Wow. 

It is now February, and I just went to my primary care doctor and had my bloodwork done.  All my numbers look a lot better than they did in October.  And I have lost 6 pounds.  I couldn’t believe it.  I used to drink tap water all the time,  I don’t anymore.  I used to use toothpaste with fluoride in it, now I am not, and my gums stopped bleeding.   I still have weight to lose, but at least I feel like I’m going in the right direction.

This is a wonderful program, and if you or anyone in your family would like to feel better, call Jennifer now! You will be pleasantly surprised.